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Products of aeronautical information specified in ICAO Annex 15, which are currently provided by AIS Poland, are as follows:
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP Poland) is a publication including information of a lasting nature which is of significant importance for air navigation within the Warszawa FIR. Amendments and Supplements are issued to the AIP Poland. Changes to the AIP are related to introduction, withdrawal or update of information of a permanent nature. Supplements to the AIP introduce temporary long-term changes (3 months and longer) or short-term changes, containing extensive text and/or graphics, referring to fixed contents of the AIP. Changes to the AIP and Supplements to the AIP are numbered separately.
Volume I – under the name of AIP Poland – eAIP IFR – conforming to ICAO Annex 15, taking into consideration that information on aerodromes at which it is possible to conduct IFR flights is published in chapter AD 2 of Volume I, whereas information on aerodrome charges referred to in Article 75 of the Aviation Law Act of 3 July 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2019, items 1580 and 1495, and of 2020 items 284 and 1378, with later amendments), in chapter GEN 4 of Volume I.
Volume II – under the name of AIP Poland – eAIP VFR – containing aeronautical information intended for users interested in conducting VFR flights within the Polish airspace. Separate VFR Amendments (VFR AMDTs) and VFR Supplements (VFR SUPs) are issued to the AIP VFR Poland.
Volume III – under the name of AIP Poland – MIL eAIP – containing aeronautical information intended for users interested in conducting OAT flights within the Polish airspace and flights to military aerodromes. Separate MIL Amendments (MIL AMDTs) and MIL Supplemets (MIL SUPs) are issued to the MIL AIP Poland.
MIL AIP is published by the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency in co-operation with the Military Air Traffic Service Office of the Polish Armed Forces.
Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) is a notice containing information that does not qualify for inclusion in the Aeronautical Information Publication or the origination of a NOTAM but which relates to flight safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.
Aeronautical charts are charts indicated in ICAO Annex 15 and prepared in compliance with ICAO Annex 4. Except for the Aeronautical Chart of Poland – ICAO (called VFR chart), all charts provided by AIS Poland are part of the AIP Poland.
NOTAM is a notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information (concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedurę or hazard) the timely knowledge of which is essential to personel concerned with flight operations. Access to NOTAM messages is possible by means of IWB service.
Other products offered by AIS Poland are: