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Valid 20 MAR 2025 00:00 UTC – 16 APR 2025 23:59 UTC
PACKAGE 03/25 contains digital obstacle data (.csv format): Area 1 obstacle data set; Area 2 obstacle data set containing only data on obstacles penetrating Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS). [CRC32: FEC7ED99 | DM5: c64f154e3cebb7808b80faf9ffcb4aa4]
Additional details are available in Data Product Specification in the table below.
Archival Area 1 and Area 2 Obstacle Data Sets may be obtained by sending a request by e-mail to
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Area 1 Obstacle Data Set
CAUTION: The obstacle data set is made available on the terms specified in the “Legal protection of AIS publications” tab.
The area of coverage of the data set is Area 1 according to ICAO Annex 15, that is the whole territory of Poland.
The source of obstacle data within the territory of the Republic of Poland is the Civil Aviation Authority. This is stated at the level of a single data record.
The originator of obstacle data within the territory of the Republic of Poland is either a certified surveyor for as-built measurements or the obstacle owner for design data. This is stated at the level of a single data record.
The Area 1 obstacle data set has been developed on the basis of all en-route obstacles reported to the AIS. That being so, AIS POLAND cannot guarantee that the data set includes all existing aeronautical obstacles equal to or higher than 100 m above ground level within the EPWW FIR. – if the end-user wishes to use the data, the end-user assumes liability for its use.
The data set is delivered in a .csv format and will be updated in accordance with the AIRAC cycle – information on obstacles erected within the AIRAC cycle and information about obstacle lighting failures will be published by NOTAM.
WGS-84 is used as a horizontal reference system for the obstacle data. This is stated at the level of a single data record.
The vertical reference frame for the obstacle data is PL-EVRF2007-NH. The vertical reference frame used is stated at the level of a single data record.
The Area 1 obstacle digital data set does not contain the required obstacle marking and horizontal extent data for all records. Furthermore, there is no data available about the type and color of obstacle lighting.
Starting from the AIRAC 258 amendment (Effective date: 01.12.2022), the Area 1 Obstacle Data Set contains the following attributes:
– Lighting color
– Lighting intensity
– Lighting type
– Date of construction
– Date of notification
Area 2 Obstacle Data Set – contains only obstacles penetrating the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS)
CAUTION: The obstacle data set is made available on the terms specified in the “Legal protection of AIS publications” tab.
The area of coverage of the aerodrome obstacle data set is an area bounded by the lateral extent of the aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces, as defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 January 2021 on aviation obstacles, obstacle limitation surfaces and devices of a hazardous nature.
The Area 2 obstacle data set contains only obstacles that penetrate the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS).
The source of the obstacle data within the territory of the Republic of Poland is the Civil Aviation Authority. This is determined at the level of a single data record.
The originator of obstacle data within the territory of the Republic of Poland is either a certified surveyor for as-built measurements or the obstacle owner for design data. This is stated at the level of a single data record.
The Area 2 obstacle data set has been developed on the basis of all aeronautical obstacles reported to the AIS. That being so, AIS POLAND cannot guarantee that the data set includes all existing aerodrome obstacles – if the end-user wishes to use the data, the end-user assumes liability for its use.
The aerodrome obstacles data set is delivered in a .csv format and will be updated in accordance with the AIRAC cycle – information on obstacles erected within the AIRAC cycle and information about obstacle lighting failures will be published by NOTAM.
WGS-84 is used as a horizontal reference system for the obstacle data. This is stated at the level of a single data record.
The vertical reference frame for the obstacle data is Kronstadt-86. The vertical reference frame used is stated at the level of a single data record.
The aerodrome obstacles data set does not include horizontal extent as one of the required attributes for most records. Furthermore, there is no data available about the type and color of obstacle lighting.